The Scott SWCD's Natural Landscaping Program has grant funds available to help residents plant pollinator habitat in Scott County.
Natural Landscaping projects focus on establishing native vegetation in urban and other residential areas as an alternative to managed turf and/or non-native landscaping. These projects improve water quality, reduce runoff pollution, and create critical habitat for pollinators and wildlife. Natural landscaping projects prove that even small, residential properties can still have a great impact on protecting and improving the natural resources in our communities.
The four project types in the Scott SWCD's Natural Landscaping Program include:

Submit an application to get started
Applications will require the submission of three completed documents
Natural Landscaping application form
Project Map
Project guidelines sheet for your chosen project
Applications can be submitted via mail to: Scott Soil and Water Conservation District at 7151 W 190th St. Jordan, MN 55252
Or emailed at info@scottswcd.org
Each project has its own application. If you are interested in implementing more then one type of pollinator planting, you will need to fill out an application for each project. See below for more information on the different project types.
For a full program overview, download the Natural Landscaping Program flyer
Conservation project timeline
This diagram gives a summarized overview of the SWCD grant and construction project timelines. Individual timelines may vary.
Note that applications may be submitted before a site visit with an SWCD technician is scheduled. Â

Project types
Pollinator gardens are a great introductory project for people who are just beginning their natural landscaping journey. Pocket plantings are defined by their flexible size and simple site prep. They resemble traditional gardens, but with the twist of containing Minnesota native grasses and flowers that are perfect for pollinators.

Pocket plantings can be as small as 150 square feet and be tailored to your property to add color, beauty, and dimension to your landscape.
These projects will thrive best if they are given 6-8 hours of full sun, and all pocket plantings projects must contain at least three blooming species for each of Minnesota's three growing seasons.
Pollinator garden project guidelines for Scott SWCD grants

For best site preparation methods, download this fact sheet.
A rain garden is a planted low area that allows rainwater runoff to soak in from hard surfaces like roofs, driveways, walkways and parking lots.
A rain garden:
Removes pollutants from water before it enters surface waters.
Prevents erosion by holding soil in place with its deep roots.
Attracts birds and butterflies.
Requires little watering and maintenance once established.

Rain gardens are perfect for those that want to solve water issues and add pollinator habitat in the same space. Because of their water-retention capabilities, rain gardens require more prep work than pollinator gardens and should designed with drainage in mind. Scott SWCD technicians can help with design and drainage testing.
Rain garden project guidelines for Scott SWCD grants

For best site preparation methods, download this fact sheet.
Pollinator meadows convert traditional monoculture turf lawns into beautiful and dynamic meadows that provide homes and food for butterflies, bees, and other native wildlife. These projects start from seed, so homeowners can expect full meadow bloom in 2-3 years after the initial seeding. The catch phrase for native seedings is: "the first year, the plants 'sleep', the second year, they 'creep' and in the third year, they 'leap'!"
Pollinator meadows start at 1/5 acre but can be planned to perfectly complement the size of your existing property. Meadows will thrive best if they are given a full 8 hours of direct sun, and all seed mixes must contain at least three blooming species for each of Minnesota's three growing seasons.
Pollinator meadow project guidelines for Scott SWCD grants

For best site preparation methods, download this fact sheet.

Shoreline buffer projects involve transforming an area that is 10-15 feet wide from your shoreline into a natural, plant-filled buffer right at your water's edge. These projects involve minimal construction--the most laborious part being removing the existing vegetation--and can be done with relatively low-cost.
Seeds or plant plugs can be used depending on a site's elevation and dimensions. The natural resource specialists at our office can provide suppliers and equipment recommendations to anyone interested. And technical assistance for the planning and installation of any project is always available free of charge.
Native seedings require some maintenance in the first years of growth to ensure the native plants are establishing properly. But once their roots have been established, usually after year three, the planting will be able to stabilize your shoreline for years to come.
Shoreline buffer project guidelines for Scott SWCD grants