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The do’s and dont’s of storm drains

In a year of historic flooding, it’s important for everyone to do their part in protecting the quality of our important water resources. And the good news is, there’s an easy, free, and impactful way that everyone can help! It starts by knowing how to care for the storm drains outside your neighborhoods.

What is a storm drain?

Storm drains come in many shapes and sizes, but their function is all the same: collect rainwater and direct it to nearby waterbodies. They keep rainwater and snowmelt from flooding roads and other impervious surfaces, reducing safety hazards and maintenance concerns for roads. But when something other than rain or snow falls down the drain, problems arise.

infographic detailing what can be dumped in a stormdrain (water) and what cannot (anything else)

Rainwater and snowmelt are the only things that storm drains are designed to collect. Any other item such as leaves, trash, grass clippings, engine oil, are considered contaminants to the function that storm drains are meant to provide. Anything that falls into a storm drain flows directly into nearby waterbodies or storm water collection ponds. Water and other fallen materials do not go to any wastewater treatment center. While storm water ponds do an excellent job reducing flooding concerns, any contaminants that flow into them can harm the pond’s water quality.

It is easy to remember what can go into storm drains: water. It is equally easy to remember the things that cannot go into storm drains: anything else.

Yard waste, grass clippings, fertilizers, and pesticides that are not removed before washing down a storm drain cause excess nutrients to seep into the water as those materials decompose. Similar nutrient imbalances happen when chemicals are dumped into storm drains.

Things like house paint, herbicides, soaps, and oils set off chain reactions downstream that disrupt fish and aquatic plants when storm water from the drain enters nearby lakes and streams.

How to properly dispose of household chemicals

Common household waste products can generally be taken to the household hazardous waste facility in Jordan, MN off CR 282. Other common contaminants can be disposed of in various ways:

  • Used engine oil can be brought to a licensed local business, usually an auto shop.

  • Grass clippings and yard waste can be bagged for curbside pickup, taken to a drop off site, or composted at home.

  • Chlorinated water can be cleansed before you drain. Keep pools or hot tubs uncovered for 48 hours to allow the chlorine in the water to break down naturally. If possible, drain pool water into your lawn to allow some of the water to soak into the ground.

What can you do to promote proper storm drain maintenance?

Want a fun, easy group activity to gather your neighborhood or community group? Try storm drain stenciling!

Storm drain stenciling lets you personalize the drains in your neighborhood with “dump no waste” messaging that reminds residents to be conscious of their connection to the nearby waterbodies.

Boyscouts pose in front of a stenciled storm drain that says "Dump no waste! Drains to lake"

To start your own neighborhood stenciling project, contact the Scott Soil and Water Conservation District to rent their stenciling kit! The kit can be checked out for FREE by anyone looking to stencil proper storm drain messages within Scott County borders. Scott SWCD technicians are also available to provide educational lessons to groups on the importance of keeping our storm drains clean.

Call the Scott SWCD office at 952-492-5425 or visit them online at to inquire about kit rental.

You can also adopt your local storm drains. At, you can pledge to maintain and clean the storm drain(s) around your house. It is easy and free to sign up!

If you see illegal dumping or waste coming out of a storm water pipe that is cloudy, colored, or has an oil sheen, report it to your city’s public works department.


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